When it comes to financial strategy, different people will have different style of doing it. There are no wrong or right answers, just that some people may seem to be more successful than others.
To me, as long as you have some sort of financial strategy, that is already half the battle won. Whether you are successful of not, truthfully only you can tell. People can only guess. Only you know the truth.
My aim was never to be rich. I do not envy people with abundant wealth. I am not overly ambitious. When it comes to money matters, my target has always been to have "more than enough" and retire comfortably at the age of 35.
This book is an attempt to explain my thought process on how to be financially free. I hope it will help you in some small way. You are recommended to read it chapter by chapter, so that it will make more sense. All the best and God bless!
M Kha Sha
Kuala Lumpur
25 April 2013